═══ 1. introduction to snapshot V2 ═══ snapshot V2 is a 32-bit screencapture utility for the OS/2 presentation manager. snapshot V2 enables You to save any arbitrary rectangle of the screen in a graphic data file. snapshot V2 supports as graphic file formats the OS/2 bitmap format (bmp) and the tagged image file format (tif). snapshot V2 takes the extension of the filename to determine, which graphic format to generate. The colordepth of the generated image is depending on the actual graphic hardware and the file format specifications. snapshot V2 chooses the optimal colordepth automatically to generate the best possible results. ═══ 2. the menu bar ═══ The following menus could be activated either by using the menu bar or by pressing the specified key combination: menu key combination File Trackframe Magnify Options Help ═══ 2.1. File ═══ The menu File contains the three menuitems save, save as, and quit. The menuitems save and save as will be disabled until You have successfully taken a picture; that means until You have choosen a rectangle of the screen, that should be saved, and afterwards pressed the Return key. If You choose save the image will be saved with the filename specified in the entry field. This gives You the opportunity to save a taken image in another file format by a quick change of the filename extension. Choosing save as brings up the well known file saving dialog, which might be useful if You have to search for the location where You want the file to be placed. To exit snapshot V2 You choose the menuitem quit or press the F3 key. ═══ 2.2. Trackframe ═══ Selecting Trackframe at the menu bar (or pressing ) does not bring up the usual drop down menu but starts the tracking process. That gives You the possibility to choose which rectangle of the screen is to be captured. ═══ 2.3. Magnify ═══ snapshot V2 allows You to observe the area around the pointer magnified. Magnification is toggled by selecting Magnify at the menu bar or by pressing . ═══ 2.4. Options ═══ The menu Options contains the three menuitems set font, reset font, and beep. Selecting the menuitem beep toggles an acoustic signal, which is generated when a capture of the screen is actually taken. The font You have chosen, the position of the snapshot V2 application window, and if the beep is activated are settings that will be saved, if You have started snapshot V2 from a hard disk - it does not seem to make any sense if You have startet the application from a CD-ROM. ═══ 2.5. Help ═══ Additional to the usual menuitems in the Help menu there is an item called manual, which provides a direct access to the snapshot V2 online reference. ═══ 3. key assignments for snapshot V2 ═══ start tracking toggle magnification F3 quit F7 set move mode F8 set size mode left move/size tracking rectangle 1 pel to the left right move/size tracking rectangle 1 pel to the right up move/size tracking rectangle 1 pel up down move/size tracking rectangle 1 pel down move/size tracking rectangle 10 pels to the left move/size tracking rectangle 10 pels to the right move/size tracking rectangle 10 pels up move/size tracking rectangle 10 pels down Enter/Return capture an image Esc cancel tracking ═══ 4. using the mouse ═══ Differently from most other applications snapshot V2 uses all three mousebuttons. This gives You the possibility to do all necessary work while positioning the trackframe with one hand. If Your mouse has only two buttons, pressing mousebutton three is simulated by pressing mousebutton two while holding down the alt-key. ═══ 4.1. mousebutton one ═══ mousebutton one is used for managing the tracking. Moving the mouse while mousebutton one is pressed varies the size of the tracking frame. Releasing mousebutton one after tracking leaves the trackframe on the screen ready for being modified via keyboard or ready for taking a capture. A doubleclick on mousebutton one cancels all tracking and makes the snapshot V2 application window reappear. ═══ 4.2. mousebutton two ═══ mousebutton two toggles the snapshot V2 information window while tracking. The snapshot V2 information window provides information like position and size of the trackframe and contains the magnifying glass, in which the area around the pointer can be observed. ═══ 4.3. mousebutton three ═══ mousebutton three (or ) toggles magnification while tracking. ═══ 5. some hints ═══ Choose the right colordepth for Your display If You are using a display width a high color resolution (16 bit or higher) but want to take an image with only 256 colors, reduce the color resolution of the display. This gives in most cases better results than converting a highcolor (or truecolor) image to a 256 color image by software. In addition You will save a lot of hard disk capacity. It is possible to move the origin Sometimes You may want to have another origin than the usual one at the lower left corner of the screen. This is especially useful if You want to take the same part of a picture several times. To change the origin move the pointer to the field width the origin coordinates in the snapshot V2 window before You start tracking. If You click mousebutton one within the field (You will know, if You are inside the field) the origin is going to move. Clicking mousebutton one again sets the origin to the screenposition You choose. All position information is now relative to the new origin. To reset the origin to the lower left corner of the screen move the pointer back to the field width the origin coordinates and click mousebutton one.